Our projects

CivicMapper helps our customers better understand, address, and implement solutions through the use and development of geodata and geospatial technology.

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Upstream-PGH Green Stormwater Infrastructure Monitoring Dashboard
Web Application Development

A custom stormwater sensor data integration and visualization platform developed for UpstreamPGH.

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New Kensington GIS
Enterprise GIS

Enterprise GIS solutions to support innovation and modernization across multiple City departments.

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Vibrancy Dashboard and Portal
Web Application Development

A public- and internal-facing toolset that helps users understand and visualize the impact of non-profit organizations across a region.

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Aerial Drone Video of the East Shore, Pittsburgh
Remote Sensing and UAS Support

Drone video collection for economic development and community empowerment.

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Nine Mile Run Source to Mouth Imaging
Remote Sensing and UAS Support

Using drone video and 360 field cameras to create an immersive digital record of an urban stream.

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Trumbull County Service Plan Survey
Web Application Development

A multilingual transit survey using CivicMapper's SurveyMap technology.

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Research and Development: 3D Infrastructure Modeling
Geospatial Data

Innovation and modernization for visualizing the natural and built environments in 3D.

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Make It Rain
Web Application Development

Hyper-local rainfall data to support stormwater and flooding management in Allegheny County.

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Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership Infrastructure Assessment
Geospatial Data

Using the power of digital mapping and geospatial tools for modernizing urban infrastructure assessments and inventories.

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SmartMoves Connections Survey Tool
Web Application Development

A map-enabled survey tool designed to support decisions on regional and multi-agency transit planning initiatives.

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Big Sewickley Creek Watershed GIS Development
Geospatial Data

Geospatial data development and cartographic products for a Rivers Conservation and Stewardship Plan (RCP) in a watershed.

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3RWW Augmented Reality (AR) Sandbox
Geospatial Analysis and Modeling

A fun, dynamic, and interactive sandbox that demonstrates the interplay of water, land, and gravity and how they shape our world.

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Beyond the East Busway Survey Tool
Web Application Development

A map-enabled survey tool that support grassroots transit planning and advocacy in the Mon Valley.

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Nine Mile Run Phase 1 Hydrology Analysis
Geospatial Analysis and Modeling

Stormwater modeling and analysis tool development to support green infrastructure planning in an urban watershed.

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Flush It
Web Application Development

Built with our FlushMap software, Flush-It is a public-facing tool built for 3 Rivers Wet Weather and ALCOSAN that enables anyone to see the path their toilet flush takes to the treatment plant.

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ALCOSAN Industrial Waste (IW) Field Map
Web Application Development

A map-based application that integrates wastewater infrastructure and laboratory data for supporting wastewater investigations and testing in the field.

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3RWW Sewer Atlas
Web Application Development

A web mapping application that enables interaction with a unified wastewater data network representing multiple municipalities in a sanitary authority's service area.

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Civic Mapper helps clients across a variety of sectors effectively use geospatial data and technology. Our professional and academic experience helps bridge the gap between technology and real-world solutions.  Get in touch to learn about what we can do for you.

P.O. Box 8294
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15218

(412) 545-3627 

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